
Guitar Blog Website for Geeks!

Good day my fellow guitar enthusiasts! You’ve stumbled upon a guitar blog and website that is intended to cover all things guitar in quite a geeky kind of way. It’s the kind of place where you can find out stuff that you didn’t even realise you needed to know about the guitar and all of its peripherals and accessories.

Ever wondered how to adjust a Truss Rod? In fact ever wondered why your guitar has one? Why are there so many different types of wood used in the making of guitars? Why are there different thicknesses of guitar strings and what might be best for your playing style? All interesting stuff that we look forward to covering.

This treasure trove of information is for all types and levels of guitarist, from those that are just starting out on their guitar playing journey to those that are longer in the tooth but still in awe of the axe. As well as guitars themselves and all their bits and pieces we cover in depth the multitude of accessories, guitar amps, guitar pedals and all the other things that entice you to part with your hard earned money.

Make sure you sign up to stay up to date when new articles are published. Please do get in contact with any ideas for anything that you would like to see added to the Guitar Blog Website so that your fellow guitar geek community can benefit.

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